Friday, December 14, 2012

Getting More Serious About Sailing

We've gotten a PHRF rating for Bliss, and we're getting ready to race with the Corinthian Sailing Association on the Northshore. Although Bliss will never be a speed queen, the competition is not what it's really about. I have learned more about sailing in the past few months just by being on Fast Idle's crew than I learned in the last few years combined. When you can see a bunch of boats around you, watch what they're doing, and see how you're doing in relation, you just figure things out. A couple of weeks ago, we did a "fun" race with 3 other boats, and we hope to do another this weekend.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Running Downwind

Megan and I went out a couple of weeks ago to learn how to run wing-and-wing downwind. The wind didn't cooperate, but we were able to figure it out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Little Too Rough

I wanted to sail last weekend, but the weather just wouldn't cooperate.